


然而,smart wearables industry also faces some challenges. Currently, the market has a serious phenomenon of product homogenization, lack of innovation. Many new entrepreneurs in the products form and function imitate giants, limiting the development of the industry. Additionally, products are too focused on external appearance design and functional points, with insufficient research on key technology features; some functions' practicality is yet to be improved.

To rekindle consumers' interest in smart wearables devices manufacturers begin to play up health aspects of their products as people's awareness for health continues to rise worldwide. Data from monitoring organizations shows that more than 70% of potential customers will prioritize comprehensive health detection functionality when purchasing smartwatches.

As awareness for health increases globally wearable medical device markets show sustained growth trends both domestically and internationally schools research institutions and companies collaborate at an accelerated rate driving development of new technologies applied in healthcare areas such as Huawei unveiled its first ever smartwatch supporting high blood sugar risk assessment helping users identify at-risk populations.

The prospects for applications in smart wearables are vast full of potential however competition within the industry is likely to become increasingly intense only by pushing out innovative attractive products can one stand out among competitors In future smart wearable devices will innovate apply across multiple fields deeply penetrate into various aspects of life for individuals
