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In a water-cooled chiller, a liquid coolant absorbs heat from the building's cooling load.

The heated coolant is then pumped to an outdoor condenser unit where it releases its heat to the atmosphere.

After losing heat, the cooled coolant returns to the indoor unit where it can absorb more heat and continue circulating through the system.

Case Study: Wind Chill Technology in Beijing’s Summer Palace

In 2017, China implemented wind chill technology at Beijing's famous Summer Palace during summer months to alleviate temperature for tourists and locals alike.

The project involved installing over 100 units of wind chill fans across key areas of interest within the palace grounds.

These fans worked by blowing cold air directly onto people standing nearby, providing instant relief from sweltering temperatures without relying on traditional cooling systems like air conditioning units that often require significant energy consumption and maintenance costs.

This innovative solution not only saved energy but also helped preserve historical structures by reducing their exposure to extreme weather conditions while still maintaining visitor comfort levels during peak seasons when tourism peaks.

By understanding how different types of air conditioning systems work together with various technologies such as wind chill technology we are able better appreciate our daily lives made possible through these modern marvels that keep us cool even under scorching suns!
