



在这方面,学生会学习如何设计和建造 dams, canals, and other hydraulic structures to control and conserve water resources. They will also study the behavior of fluids in motion and the forces that act upon them.


Water resources engineers need to understand the patterns and processes of precipitation, runoff, evaporation, infiltration, condensation and groundwater flow to manage water effectively. Hydrologists use mathematical models to predict these events.


This field focuses on protecting the environment by reducing pollution from industrial activities or agricultural practices that may affect water quality. Engineers in this field design systems for treating wastewater before it's released back into natural bodies of water.

水质监测and management

Students learn how to monitor water quality parameters such as pH levels, dissolved oxygen content and nutrient concentrations using various analytical techniques like chromatography or spectrophotometry.

风险评估and mitigation engineering

Engineers assess potential risks associated with floods or droughts caused by climate change or human activities such as deforestation or land development.


In this area students learn about economic valuation methods used for assessing benefits derived from different uses of water (e.g., agriculture vs urban supply) as well as policy analysis related to sustainable resource allocation decisions at local regional national scales

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