


同时,我们还需准备一个稳定的水源,这个源头不能影响到正常的人们用水。而最后,也得选一个不会影响周围环境的地方来排放这些测试用的 水。

接下来,我想谈谈哪些类型的排water系统适用于这个闭water试验。首先是污water系统,然后是rainwater和sewage mixed system,还有那些特殊设计要求也需要进行closed water test 的system。如果符合上述条件,那么我们就可以开始我们的closed water experiment 了。

当一切准备就绪后,我们就会按照既定的程序执行我们的test。这包括两个主要阶段:firstly, we need to fill the pipe with water until it reaches a certain level, and then record any leaks or seepage. This process should last for at least 1-2 days. Secondly, after filling up the pipe again, we start the real closed water test by measuring how much water seeps out over a period of time.

To calculate this leakage amount, we use a formula that takes into account factors such as the length of the pipe and how much water is leaked within a given timeframe (in this case 30 minutes). If our calculated leakage rate falls below a certain threshold set by regulations, then our test has passed successfully.

So there you have it - my reworded version of your original text on "The Conditions and Scope of Closed Water Testing for Sewer Pipes".
