
JN多功能酒精回收浓缩器主要特点The main features: ★酒精回收:回收能力大,采用真空操作方法,改进了设备的工艺流程。回收率达到95%,使酒精损耗率低于5%。能耗降低30%,具有投资小,回收效益高的特点。 浓缩液料:蒸发速度快,浓缩比高(1.3~1.4);操作简单,占地面积小,外形美观。 符合GMP标准要求。 Alcohol recovery: ability to recover, vacuum method of operation, improve the equipment of the process. The recovery rate of 95%, so that the wear and tear of alcohol is lower than 5%. To reduce energy consumption by 30% with a small investment, high efficiency recovery. Concentrated liquid feed: evaporation speed and high concentration (1.3 to 1.4); simple, small footprint, attractive appearance. In line with the GMP standards. JN多功能酒精回收浓缩器技术参数(technical data): 参数型号 JN-300 JN-500 JN-1000 蒸发量(kg/h清水) 300 500 1000 回收酒精(kg/h) 120 200 350 回收浓度(%) 85 使用压力(MPa) 0.05~0.09 蒸发湿度(℃) 40~85 真空度(MPa) -0.02~-0.08 浓缩比 1.2~1.4 设备重量(kg) 1100 1300 1850 外形尺寸 (mm)长×宽×高 3000×1000×3900 3300×1100×4000 3800×1400×4500

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