在科学的探索中,我们发现了海王星第14颗卫星(S/2004 N 1)的存在,这一新发现进一步丰富了太阳系行星卫星的多样性。月亮作为地球的唯一自然卫星,虽然距离我们不远,但它对人类社会产生着深远影响。美国宇航局最近对月球表面撞击坑进行了详细统计,旨在研究撞击坑附近有机污染物,为揭示太阳系早期秘密提供线索。
最新研究显示夜间睡眠质量与月相有关ness study by Christian Cajochen and his team at the Psychiatric Hospital of the University of Basel suggests that lunar cycles may influence sleep patterns, with a decrease in deep sleep and brain activity during full moon nights. The researchers monitored volunteers' brains using eye movement and hormone secretion while they slept in a controlled environment.
This study provides the first reliable evidence that the lunar cycle can regulate human sleep structure, leading scientists to speculate about other potential influences on humans, such as cognitive abilities and emotions.