4.1 无线数字温湿度监测系统
// Program to send data from the transmitter using PICl2C509AG and ASK modulation.
#include <pic16f877a.h>
#include "config.h"
#define BaudRate 1200 // Define baud rate for I²C communication.
#define I2CSpeed (FOSC / (BaudRate * 16))
void main(void) {
int i = 0;
char stateID = 'A'; // Set initial state ID to 'A'.
char buttonStatus = 'B'; // Initialize button status as pressed ('B').
while(1) {
if(stateID == 'Z') { // If current state ID is reached, reset it to initial value.
stateID = 'A';
if(buttonStatus == 'Y' && i > 10000) { // Check button press after a certain time interval.
i = 0; // Reset counter on each button press.
++buttonStatus; // Increment the status of buttons A or B.
if(buttonStatus == 'X') { // If all buttons have been pressed, set new state ID and reset counters.
i = -500000; // Start timer from negative value so that first check passes immediately after pressing any key.
buttonStatus = (char)(buttonStatus + ((i & (~i)) ? '+' : '-'));
} else {
--i; // Decrease counter every iteration in loop until it reaches zero or below zero, then increment again based on whether any keys are currently being held down by the user's fingers which will cause them not only decrement but also increase at same time when reaching bottom limit due to rounding error caused by division during integer division operation performed earlier before entering this part of code where we decrease counter further still further till it hits bottom limit once more before increasing back up one more step again since there aren't enough steps left within range [−32768..+32767] available for us because we've already used most available space previously while trying different combinations with these two variables simultaneously without considering side effects caused by rounding errors leading us into an infinite loop condition causing unexpected behavior like freezing computer system etc., thus making our program unresponsive as well as causing potential damage both physically and virtually through electrical discharge that could harm people nearby especially children who might accidentally touch exposed metal parts near their bodies while playing around devices connected via USB cable even though they were warned beforehand about safety precautions yet failed follow instructions properly resulting into severe injuries requiring immediate medical attention!